Life Not Lies

An Outreach of Zach Rasmusson Ministries – Ministry Coaching and Discipleship (Christian Counseling).

Equipping Others to Reign in Life Not Lies. Romans 5:17, 8:2.

Romans 5:17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

I equip others to see life. From Romans 5:17 that is; the abundance of grace, the gift of righteousness, and our ability to reign in life through Christ.

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

There are far too many people who claim Christ, but don’t truly trust Him with their lives. We don’t trust Him because we simply don’t know what we already have in Him. Christ as Savior, Lord and Life! When all three are understood, healing, freedom, and victory will come. Until then, we simply live with the burden of lies upon us. Lies are our enemies most potent tool.

I’m here to equip others to see Life Not Lies.

Take the next step for yourself and connect personally with Zach.

My Ministry

Zach Rasmusson Ministries: Reaching the lost, discipling the found.


Disciple Maker / Ministry Coach 

DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY—Discipling men who have recently received Christ, Assisting men through or after divorce, Helping students find their way during or after high school, Speaking to and assisting local youth ministries and leaders. 

MINISTRY COACHING—With an emphasis on youth ministry, I’ll be coming along side pastors and ministry leaders. Life and ministry are both tough. I’ll be someone they can gain biblical, Spirit-led mentoring from in their times of difficulty or frustration. The goal is to help them to stay in a thriving ministry. 


Kingdom Builder / World Changer

Equipping those that equip others. From our own town to the edge of the earth, making disciples who make disciples.

Whether it be men’s retreats or pastors gatherings or sabbaticals and mission trips, my desire is to equip others to reign in life.


Truth in Grace / Preached in Power

One way I know we can do ‘greater things’ (John 14:12) is simply through the technologies we have today. Nothing can replace the Holy Spirit, but now we can reach so many more people with the message of the Gospel and the Power of His Spirit.

I’ve never thought that preparing a sermon or a Bible study was ever a waste, but I always thought—why am I using this just once? Every message, every testimony, every effort should be expanded through the means of blogging. Not only does it reach more people, but it creates the monetary resource to continue to reach more people. I’ll always be writing through blog, bible study and sermon prep to seek to change the world one person at a time with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. All this, with a future goal of getting published.

Three ways you can invest in the Kingdom

Life Not Lies and Zach Rasmusson Ministries exists to reach the lost, disciple the found. Will you join me?



The most valuable weapon in our arsenal is not our knowledge or physical abilities. It is calling in air support.

Pray Over My Vision

1-time or recurring tax deductible


If you are one with my vision and are able to invest beyond the power of prayer, please click below.

office and outreach


Click below for an Amazon list of items needed to successfully navigate and execute various ministry through our home office.

If you have questions about zr ministries; will get your note to me.